The IISPV Biobank of the Pere Virgili Institute for Health Research is an institutional and centralized platform for
transversal services: processing, storage, management and distribution of human biological samples for
IISPV researchers and also for researchers or other outside staff who may require its services.
This platform is made up of two biobanks, authorized by the Generalitat de Catalunya on the 10th of
September 2013, and registered in the National Register of Biobanks of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
With the collaboration of:
Management of private collections and deposit of samples
Technical Services
The procedure for requesting the creation of new collections consists of filling in the corresponding form and sending it by e-mail to: to submit it to the approval of the External Scientific Committee of the Biobank.
To request samples, fill in the corresponding form and send it to the appropriate node:
Node Reus:
Node Tarragona:
You can find the description of the Biobank collections by clicking on the name of the collection:
The invoiced cost of the material corresponds to costs of storage and processing of the samples and to the management of the requests.
It should be borne in mind that, depending on the applicant, there are three general types of fees:
The management of the IISPV Biobank is set as a priority objective to guarantee the highest quality in the activities it carries out as a Service Platform, always seeking excellence.
Dra. Mònica Bulló
Human Nutrition Unit: prevention and epigenetics. Graduated in Biology and PhD from the URV, she works in the area of nutrition and health. Her most relevant lines of research focus on studying the effect of diet on the development of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Bulló also studies the mechanisms that would explain the relationship between type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment as well as its potential modulation.
Dra. Sonia Fernández-Veledo
He leads the Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Research Group ( being also co-PI of the group at CIBERDEM. In the last five years she has published 34 original articles with a mean impact factor of 6.14 and 930 citations. She has led 4 national and 1 international competitive projects. She has broad competence in organizing R&D activities and has participated in more than 100 national and international conferences. She actively participates in various scientific evaluation committees (FIS, MINECO, ANEP). She has extensive experience in the training of graduates and postgraduates in various Spanish universities and is currently an associate professor at the URV. She has supervised two PhD theses currently supervising 5 PhD students.
Dra. Nuria Plana Gil
Associate Physician of the Vascular Medicine and Metabolism Unit (UVASMET).
Associate professor at the Rovira i Virgili University.
Dra. Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada
Doctor in biological sciences specialized in the investigation of the genetics of psychiatric diseases. Apart from her career as a scientist, she has invested considerable efforts in the creation of the local Biobank (currently Biobank IISPV), the Ethical Committee for local clinical research (currently CEIm IISPV) and in the creation of the International Projects Unit of the IISPV.
External Ethics Committee
The functions of the External Ethics Committee of Biobanc IISPV are delegated to the CEIm IISPV.
Luis Gallart Millán
Miriam Campos Baguena
Lidia Figuera Terre
Cristian Martínez Navidad
Jordina Saldié Gil
Node Tarragona
Hospital Universitari de Tarragona “Joan XXIII”
977 295 823
Node Reus
Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus
977 779 901
Node Tortosa
Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta
977 519 104
The Cell Culture Platform is a technical and scientific support unit that offers support to research groups, both internal and external to the IISPV, providing them with the appropriate facilities and equipment for the cultivation, maintenance and execution of bioassays with eukaryotic cells.
The Statistical Support Platform is a cross-cutting platform for statistical support to researchers that offers a support and advice service in all phases of the development of a research project: methodology, design, analysis and publication.
The Clinical Pharmacy Department is a central clinical support service with its own activities and support for the other healthcare services of the ICS Camp de Tarragona.
Bioinformatics service available to all IISPV professionals.