HRS4R Research in Excellence in HR

In 2015, the IISPV obtained the European accreditation of human resources and the official seal of excellence in human resources, as well as the approval of the 2015 action plan by the European Commission.

This recognition demonstrates that the IISPV complies with the general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code) and fully supports its commitment to improving policies and internal procedures.

This accreditation of excellence is an opportunity to establish a comprehensive and coherent human resources strategy, as well as internal best practices and achieve international visibility.



OTM-R Checklist

Action Plan (2015)

Action Plan (2017)

Action Plan IISPV (2021-2024)

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

IISPV Strategic Plan (2017)

IISPV Research Career

IISPV Recruitment Policy

IISPV Code of Ethics and Conduct

IISPV Equal Opportunity Plan

Research profiles descriptors

IISPV Personnel (2021)

IISPV Welcome Guide

IISPV Code of Good Scientific Practices

IISPV Protocol for the Prevention of and Response to Harassment and Violence in the Workplace

IISPV Proposal for the Data Management Plan

IISPV Equality plan

Personnel documentation


It should also be noted that we participate in the Young People in Practice Program of the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya
