NFOC-SALUT works mainly in the field of health, lifestyle and cardiovascular diseases, from an experimental, clinical and applied approach to society in the academic and health promotion environment. Our research team is made up of professionals from multidisciplinary fields in Health Sciences: doctors, dietitians-nutritionists, biologists, food technologists and full-time pharmacists, postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students.
Dra. Rosa Solà Alberich
The NFOC-health group is a group recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya: 2017 SGR 00522 – Functional Nutrition, Oxidation and Cardiovascular Disease Research Group (NFOC-health). In recent years, our group has gained considerable experience in intervention studies, both in humans and animals, in the clinical field and also in the field of health promotion. As well as in the development of studies in cell cultures. In addition, the close collaboration of this group with the Nutrition and Health Unit of the Eurecat technology center is also noteworthy.
On the other hand, our group has been actively involved in research into the beneficial effects of different components of the diet on cardiovascular disease both in vivo and in vitro. In recent years, the research team has carried out various studies in the different areas in which it works.
In addition, we participate in different European competitive projects such as PREVENTOMICS (precision nutrition study), NESTORE (study to improve the health of the elderly), and MED4Youth (nutritional study to reduce obesity in adolescents) . We have also led the international competitive project CITRUS (effect of hesperidin on different markers of cardiovascular disease).
In the field of health promotion, he has participated in different European projects in teenagers (EYTO) and in catering (TURISTIC in FAMILY).
At the state level, we are currently leading the PID2019-105164RB-I00 project entitled FOOP-Sarc, (a nutritional study based on functional virgin olive oil enriched with phenolic compounds and yogurt enriched with probiotics to address sarcopenia). In addition, the group has led different competitive projects such as: PERIS SLT 002/016/155 (study on the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on lung function in smokers without previous respiratory pathology), AGL2017 AppleCor (cardiometabolic effects of anthocyanins of red apples), AGL2012 MEFOPC (Metabolism and bioactivity of phenolic compounds in olive oil in humans), AGL2009 VOHF (Extra virgin olive oil and HDL functionality), AGL2005 OLIPA (Enriched virgin olive oil with polyphenols) and AGL2009-12374-C03-02. 2010-2012 (Marine omega-3s, polyphenols and phagomine in the metabolic syndrome).
In the field of health promotion, he has led a national competitive project (EYTO-Kids) to promote health in schoolchildren to improve their lifestyles.
Beyond the experience in, the supervision of the advice of participants, preparation and maintenance of databases and advanced statistics, and in the handling of cell cultures, manipulation of animals, the group has acquired proven experience in the field of omics, in both proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and metagenomics.
On the other hand, we teach the degree in Medicine, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Biomedical Engineering and the double degree in Biomedical and Systems Engineering. In addition, the master’s degree in Aging and Health and the master’s degree in Nutrition and Metabolism at Rovira i Virgili University.
TurisTIC- Healthy meals (PECT TurísTIC in family. European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) of European Union, under the umbrella of FEDER Catalonia 2014-2020.GAH/815/2018. 2017-2020. IP: Rosa Solà..
Efecte de la Dieta Mediterrània sobre la funció pulmonar en fumadors sense patologia respiratòria prèvia: l’assaig clínic MEDIS (Mediterranean Diet and Smoking). PERIS: SLT 002/016/155. 2017-2019. IP: Dr. Francisco Martín Luján i Rosa Solà.
Suplementación de antocianinas a través de manzana de pulpa roja o extracto de antocianina: mecanismos de acción y efectos cardiometabolicos en sujetos hipercolesterolémicos cardiometabólico: un enfoque proteómico. AGL2016-76943-C2. 2017-2020. IP: Rosa Maria Solà Alberich.Cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Economía, Indústria y Competitividad (MINECO), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Application of the personalized nutrition based on metabotypes for the enhancement of the beneficial effects of a diet rich in flavonoids in hypertensive individuals. PRI2019-FLAVOTIP. 2019-2021. IP: Noemí Boqué. Eurecat, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya. Convocatòria Pla de Recerca i Innovació.
Aceites polares de origen marino como fuente de PUFA omega-3 y mediadores lipídicos para un envejecimiento saludable: regulación de la inflamación y desequilibrio oxidativo (MarPL-WellAging). RTI2018-095659-B100. 2019-2022. IP: Isabel Medina. Financiado por: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación orientada a los retos de la Sociedad.
Efecto funcional de iminoazúcares naturales en un modelo animal de prediabetes inducida por dieta. Del mecanismo de acción al diseño de alimentos. AGL2017-83599-R. IP: Josep Lluís Torres. Cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Economía, Indústria y Competitividad (MINECO), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Companys J, Pla-Pagà L, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Solà R, Pedret A, Valls RM.
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Pla-Pagà L, Guirro M, Gual-Grau A, Gibert-Ramos A, Foguet-Romero E, Catalán Ú, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Canela N, Valls RM, Arola L, Solà R, Pedret A.
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Daimiel L, Micó V, Valls RM, Pedret A, Motilva MJ, Rubió L, Fitó M, Farrás M, Covas MI, Solá R, Ordovás JM.
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Borras JM, Font R, Solà J, Macia M, Tuset V, Arenas M, Eraso A, Verges R, Farré N, Pedro A, Mollà M, Algara M, Solé JM, Mira M, Espinàs JA.
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Calderón-Pérez L, Gosalbes MJ, Yuste S, Valls RM, Pedret A, Llauradó E, Jimenez-Hernandez N, Artacho A, Pla-Pagà L, Companys J, Ludwig I, Romero MP, Rubió L, Solà R.
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Magaly Aceves-Martins, Aixa Y Aleman-Diaz, Montse Giralt, Rosa Solà Int J Qual Health Care
Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut – URV
C. Sant Llorenç 21
Reus, 43201
Twitter: @NFOCsalut
see google mapsResponsible: Dra. Mònica Bulló Bonet
Responsible: Dra. Teresa Auguet Quintillà
Responsible: Dra. Montse Pinent Armengol
Responsible: Dr. Alfredo Bardají