
Descripció del treball

The Metabolomics Interdisciplinary Laboratory (MIL@b) research group belongs to the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV) and the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and it is aimed to advance scientific and technological knowledge in metabolomics. This science is devoted to the global study of the low molecular weight chemical compounds found in the biofluids and tissues of living organisms.

MIL@b is a multidisciplinary research group formed by chemists, biologists, biochemists and engineers (telecommunications, computer science, biomedical, etc.), which has had the support and funding of the Generalitat de Catalunya in the latest AGAUR calls (SGR2009, SGR2014 and SGR2017). We have access to state-of-the-art Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrumentation at the Centre for Omic Sciences (COS) and at the Servei de Recursos Científics i Tècnics (SRCiT) of the URV.


We offer a part time (20h) collaboration grant for a last year undergraduate student of the course 2021-2022. The position is held in the benchmark of the project ECHOES (EPIGENETIC AND METABOLIC ALTERATIONS ASSOCIATED TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPOSURE TO AIR POLLUTION AND ITS ROLE IN LATER LIFE CHRONIC DISEASE) awarded by La Caixa Foundation Social Research call (LCF/PR/SR19/52540002). The main objective of ECHOES is to investigate the possible social inequalities in children regarding their exposure to air pollution, the role of this exposure in children’s health and its possible impact in later life chronic disease development.


Researcher career profile (R1)


The selected candidate will perform the following tasks:

  1. Active participation in the monitoring campaign and sample collection.
  2. Elaboration of the documentation of the campaign.
  3. Sampling reception, handling and preprocessing.
  4. Sample preparation for metabolomcis analysis.
  5. High-resolution mass spectrometry metabolomics results processing and interpretation.
  6. Writing of scientific reports.
  7. Participation in social engagement and outreach activities.


Number of available positions:1



  • Last year undergraduate student of chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology or related studies.
  • Availability to work part-time.




  • Be a current last year student of the official degrees of chemistry, biochemistry or biotechnology of the University Rovira i Virgili or any other University
  • Training in metabolomics.
  • Previous experience on a chemistry/biochemistry experimental lab.
  • Previous experience on mass spectrometry data processing.
  • Previous experience on sample preprocessing, extraction and analysis
  • Knowledge of R programming




  • Knowledge of R programming and R studio
  • Team working and Motivation for the proposed research topic
  • Good academic track record. Average grade to date: 7 or higher
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Previous experience on outreach activities to primary schoolers




  • Selection of CV’s. Suitable and unsuitable CV’s will be identified according to the requirements. Applicants who do not meet the requirements indicated in the candidate profile and requirements will not pass to the next phase.
  • Evaluation of the CV. Evaluation of the CVs up to a maximum score of 40 points.
  • Cover Letter. Attach to the resume a cover letter with a maximum length of 2500 characters with spaces. With a maximum score of 20 points.


To access the interview phase it is necessary to have obtained a minimum score of 40 points in the sum of scores of the evaluation of the curriculum and cover letter


  • Personal interview. With a maximum score of 40 points.


Items 40
Attitude 5
Fit in the work place 10
Experience, developed functions/skills 20
Teamwork 5




  • President: Noelia Ramírez González (Princial Investigator)
  • Chair 1: Maria Vinaixa Crevillent. (Senior Investigator)
  • Chair 2: Maria García Altares (Senior Researcher)


  • President: Xavier Correig Blanchar (Group leader)
  • Chair 1: Raquel Cumeras Olmeda (Postdoctoral Researcher)
  • Chair 2: Pineda Molas Porqueras (Technical staff)




  • The CV must include the number in DNI / NIE or personal identity document.
  • Send the CV and the Cover Letter through the IISPV website.



For any questions or queries: recruitment@iispv.cat






The IISPV will inform the candidates if they have been admitted or excluded to access the interview.

Condicions laborals

  • Part-time position (18,75/week)
  • Workplace: Department of Electronic Engineering Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Contract: 3 months
  • Gross Salary: 539,84 €/month
  • Starting date: April, 2022