Different prestigious research groups come together in this area, with professionals from both hospitals and universities. The IISPV contributes all its human and technical potential with the vocation of uniting research and business activity. The researcher responsible for this area is Dra. Sandra Parra, associate physician at the Internal Medicine Service of the Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital (HUSJR).
Jael Lorca Cabrera, Estrella Martínez Segura
+Laureano Jiménez Esteller
+Dr. Youcef Azeli
+Dra. Carolina Serena Perelló
+Dr. Antoni Castro Salomó, Dra. Sandra Parra Pérez
+Dr. Josep Lluís Domingo, Dra. Marta Schuhmacher
+Dr. Jordi Pallarès Curto
+Dra. María Bodí, Dr. Alejandro Rodriguez Oviedo
+Dra. Josepa Gené Díaz, Dr. José Francisco Cano Lira
+Dra. Anna Rull Aixa, Dr. Joaquim Peraire Forner
+Dr. Francisco Manuel Martín Luján