Innovation Commission IISPV


Dra. Núria Amigó – Collaborator researcher in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. Member. CEO of BIOSFER TESLAB, SL.

Dr. Youcef Azeli – Researcher of the Urgent and Emergencies Research Group. Catalan Medical Emergency Service of the Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital.

Sr. Eric Barreda – Technician in charge of the 3D Atmosphere laboratory of the Hospital of Tortosa Verge de la Cinta.

Dra. Maria Bodí – Principal Researcher of the SIS Group. Head of service of the UCI of the Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII.

Sra. Elisabet GalveIISPV Quality Manager.

Sra. Maria J. Guilera – IISPV Innovation Manager.

Dra. Isabel Huber – Researcher of the DIAMET Group (Nutrition and Metabolism), CEO of SUCCIPRO, SL.

Dra. Begoña Muguerza – Researcher in charge of the Nutrigenomics research group of the URV.

Dra. Sandra Parra – Group co-responsible Autoimmunity, Infection and Thrombosis (GRAIÏT). Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus.

Sra. Elena Suñé – Assistant to the Business Management of the URV Foundation.

Dr. Pere Romero – Ophthalmology group manager (RETIPROGRAM) and director of Innovation at the HUSJR.

Dr. Joan Vendrell IISPV scientific Director .

Dra. Elisabet Vilella – Deputy director IISPV.

The Regulation of the Innovation Commission was approved by the Board of Trustees of the IISPV in the session 1/06/22.

1. Promote, develop, transfer, manage and disseminate research, innovation, scientific and technological knowledge and training activities in the field of innovation and transfer that take place in the IISPV and its constituent and associated institutions.
2. Monitoring the activities of the Innovation and Transfer Unit.
3. Propose to the Governing Bodies (Management Committee / Delegated Committee and/or Board of Trustees).

Quarterly – the third Tuesday (January, April, July, October)
Proposal of topics:

Contact with Innovation Commission


Phone:  977 297 998 – 977 758 927