Searching International Partners

Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

PONENT: Paul McKenna. Head of Membership Operations at Crowdhelix.

As a network, we are keen to encourage user engagement on the Crowdhelix virtual platform. As members are aware, and should they choose to allow, the platform can sustain the profiles of an unlimited number of staff members from each organisation. This access is at the discretion of the organisation’s leader at an institutional level and their administrative access on the platform.

The purpose of this webinar is to showcase the platform’s capabilities to members of staff at the IISPV, how they can profile themselves, engage with other users and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities for participating in Horizon Europe funded research projects.


*Les persones inscrites rebreu més endavant un correu electrònic amb l’enllaç de connexió a la sessió.



  • 22 d'octubre de 2024 de 11 a 12 hores
  • Online
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