TRUBLO Open Call 3 – Trusted and Reliable Content on Future Blockchains 2022



Topic: Digital.

Destination: The objective of the TruBlo Open Call No. 3 is to invite academic teams, researchers, SMEs and startups to define and implement small scale research projects on one of the two topics:

  • Trust and reputation models on blockchains: This focus area targets innovative applications, technologies, technical approaches and methodologies that increase the level of trust in blockchain-based information exchange, with emphasis on user generated content on the internet and social media, considering also data from IoT (Internet of things) infrastructures.
  • Proof-of-validity and proof-of-location: This focus area aims to find innovative mechanisms to increase transparency and trustworthiness of user generated genuine content. For example: How could users, being part of a blockchain, add or apply additional verification mechanisms to increase transparency, validity and high level of trustworthiness, such as Proof-of-Location and Proof-of Validity? Such applications will be disseminated through the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO).

Budget: Up to 175,000 € .

Duration: 15 months.

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