EACR-AstraZeneca Postdoctoral Fellowships



Topic: Cancer.

Destination: EACR-AstraZeneca Postdoctoral Fellowships support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe. The goals of the programme are:
• to support the career development of outstanding EACR early career members
• to train the next generation of scientists engaged in innovative research in areas where AstraZeneca has demonstrated leadership through its pipeline and research programs
• to build research collaborations between the EACR, institutions and AstraZeneca in core therapeutic areas to support development of the pipeline

Proposed research projects must be basic and/or translational in nature and have direct applicability and relevance to at least one of breast, bladder, lung, prostate, ovarian or pediatric cancer. Projects should focus on one of the following research areas:
• Cell Therapy
• Immunotherapy
• Tumour drivers and resistance
• Mechanisms of sensitivity / resistance to PARP inhibitors and other DNA Damage Response inhibitors
• Mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance to antibody drug conjugates
• Epigenetics
• Haematology

Budget: Funding will cover the salary of the awardee (the mid-point postdoctoral researcher salary at the host institution or 70,000 €, whichever is lower), the employer’s costs and a 25% overhead fee.

Duration: Up to 3 years.


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