11th CERCA GÍNJOL Patents Funds



This funding round is open only to centres which are CERCA partner centres.
Up to 3 proposals per partner centre may be submitted.

I-CERCA has decided to develop an agreed funding programme with the CERCA centres, to support their knowledge transfer projects, specifically in terms of protecting intellectual and industrial property rights, known as the GÍNJOL Patents Fund.

Submission and presentation of projects

A brief technical description of each project, including the main elements of the proposal and the expected results or impact, a description of the research team developing the project, current progress on the project and the eligible expenses for which funding is sought.

A marketing proposal for the results of the project, including not only a marketing model and its expected impact, but also a proposed system of returns based on the future profits it will generate for the GÍNJOL Patents Fund in order to be sustainable. This must include a general returns model based mainly on royalties, together with the terms under which returns would be paid if the technology is sold, in the event of early returns, or if the project fails.

Proposals will be sent from the IISPV. 


The amount funded will be from 5,000 euros up to a maximum of 10,000 euros. This amount does not include possible co-funding from the centre or other sources.

Submission deadline

For IISPV: January 23st 2023

For Cerca: January 25st 2023

Announcement of results 17/03/23
Deadline for signing individual agreements: Immediately after the announcement of results and before end of February 2023.

Expenses that may be covered by the Programme

Project expenses incurred between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2023 may be included in the application.

The expenses that may be included are those necessary for the protection and commercialisation of technology generated from research, specifically:

  • Advisory services related to procedures and strategies for protecting the intellectual and industrial property related to the technology.
  • External services to assess the technological suitability and market potential of the technology.
  • Fees and administration charges for registering or extending patents.
  • I-CERCA may consider other expenses, such as expenses related to drafting patents, PCT, EPO or other agencies’ processing fees, international extension costs, SoA (state-of-the-art) reports and/or FTO (freedom to operate) reports, regulatory studies, the acquisition of software to exploit or manage a technology portfolio, marketing activities, litigation expenses (infringement), the purchase of licences, patent/project portfolio valorization (like HLE-High Level Estimation and/or IDD-Innovation Due Diligence costs in case of a spinoff creation), etc.

The proposal must not exceed 10 pages.

Attached documents, if any, must be listed in the proposal. This list should contain all relevant documentation as these documents will be submitted to the assessors together with the proposal. It is recommended that the documentation is limited to only that which is genuinely relevant. It is not necessary to include full CVs for each member of the team. If there are any confidential documents (e.g. confidential agreements with companies interested in exploiting the results), this can be noted in this list to determine if specific conditions apply to the assessors.

Under no circumstances will I-CERCA acquire ownership rights in the intellectual property resulting from the submitted projects.

Expenses should be executed from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2023.

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