El Grup del Dr. Domingo, (TECNATOX), publica dos articles a la revista del primer decil Environmenmtal Sciences

  • Domingo JL, Giné Bordonaba J. A literature review on the safety assessment of genetically modified plants. Environ Int. 2011 Feb 4.
  • Roig N, Nadal M, Sierra J, Ginebreda A, Schuhmacher M, Domingo JL. Novel approach for assessing heavy metal pollution and ecotoxicological status of rivers by means of passive sampling methods. Environ Int. 2011 Feb 8


A literature review on the safety assessment of genetically modified plants. Novel approach for assessing heavy metal pollution and ecotoxicological status of rivers by means of passive sampling methods.


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Conferències, Congressos

COMUNITAT de Transferència CERCA #04

Conferències, Congressos, Convenció

Health Revolution Congress