El Grup de recerca en diabetis i alteracions metabòliques associades de l’IISPV, liderat pel Dr. Joan Vendrell i la Dra. Sònia Fernández-Veledo, han publicat en la Revista PloS One

El Grup de recerca en diabetis i alteracions metabòliques associades de l’IISPV, liderat pel Dr. Joan Vendrell i la Dra. Sònia Fernández-Veledo , han publicat a la Revista PloS One l’article titulat: Zinc-α2-Glycoprotein Modulates AKT-Dependent Insulin Signaling in Human Adipocytes by Activation of the PP2A Phosphatase, emmarcat en la línia de recerca bases moleculars implicades en la resistència a la insulina en el teixit adipós.

Summary: Evidence from mouse models suggests that zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG) is a novel anti-obesity adipokine. In humans, however, data are controversial and its physiological role in adipose tissue (AT) remains unknown. Here we explored the molecular mechanisms by which ZAG regulates carbohydrate metabolism in human adipocytes. We demonstrate that ZAG inhibits insulin-induced glucose uptake in human adipocytes by impairing insulin signaling at the level of AKT, in a PP2A-dependent manner. Although some prospective cohort studies point to ZAG expression in AT as a useful biomarker to predict insulin sensitivity, our data establish ZAG as a negative modulator of insulin action.

Authors: Ceperuelo-Mallafré V, Ejarque M, Duran X, Pachón G, Vázquez-Carballo A, Roche K, Núñez-Roa C, Garrido-Sánchez L, Tinahones FJ, Vendrell J, Fernández-Veledo S.
IF: 3,5 (Q1 del área de Mustidisciplinary Sicences, 8/55)
Source: PLoS One. eCollection 2015.

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