The Metabolomics Platform is a consortium formed by three partners: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) (Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering), CIBERDEM (Spanish Network for Biomedical Research in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders) and Research Institute Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV).
The Metabolomics platform works in collaboration with clients, combining the experience in metabolomics with your clinical and biological knowledge.
We offer experience and advice in research on metabolomics, from conception and experimental design to data acquisition through data analysis and biological interpretation.
We work to improve your understanding of metabolism in health, disease and human toxicology to benefit the population.
We develop and apply innovative analytical and computational tools, fostering research in metabolomics and expanding boundaries in this field.
Our team of scientists has a combined experience of over 100 years in metabolomics.
1988 – PhD in Telecommunications Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
1989 – Full Professor of the University of Electronic Technology, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
1998 – Professor of Electronic Technology, Rovira I Virgili University
2008 – to date: Director of the Metabolic Platform, Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBER-ISCII), Madrid, Spain.
2017 – Head of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Rovira I Virgili University
2006-Doctorate. in Biochemistry, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
2007-2011: Associate Researcher, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California.
2011-present: Scientific Coordinator, Metabolomics Platform, Networked Biomedical Research Center (CIBER-ISCII), Madrid, Spain.
More information:
With the collaboration of:
The Metabolomics Platform has access to state-of-the-art MS and NMR equipment at the Scientific and Technical Resources Service (SRCiT) and at the URV’s Center for Omic Sciences (COS).
Amigó Grau, Núria
Badia Aparicio, José María
Baquer Gómez, Gerard Sergi
Brezmes Llecha, Jesús Jorge
Capellades Tomàs, Jord
Cañellas Alberich, Nicolau
Correig Blanchar, Francesc Xavier
Cumeras Olmeda, Raquel
Del Castillo Pérez, Esteban
Garcia-Altares Pérez, Maria
Iakab , Stefania-Alexandra
Junza Martínez, Alexandra
Llambrich Martínez, Maria
Mahamdi Toufik
Massó Estradé, Laura
Merino Ruiz, Carla Melissa
Miró Blanch, Joan
Molas Porqueras, Maria Pineda
Ramírez González, Noelia
Ràfols Soler, Pere
Samino Gené, Sara
Sementé, Lluc
Torres Gene, Sonia
Vinaixa Crevillent, Maria
Yanes Torrado, Óscar
Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus
Planta 0. Secció de Color Taronja
Avda. Josep Laporte, 4
43204 Reus
Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria (ETSE) URV
Dept. Eng. Electrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Avinguda Països Catalans 26 43007 Tarragona
Contact: Óscar Yanes
Tel.: +0034 977 759 397 / 977 770 958
The Cell Culture Platform is a technical and scientific support unit that offers support to research groups, both internal and external to the IISPV, providing them with the appropriate facilities and equipment for the cultivation, maintenance and execution of bioassays with eukaryotic cells.
The Statistical Support Platform is a cross-cutting platform for statistical support to researchers that offers a support and advice service in all phases of the development of a research project: methodology, design, analysis and publication.
The Clinical Pharmacy Department is a central clinical support service with its own activities and support for the other healthcare services of the ICS Camp de Tarragona.
Bioinformatics service available to all IISPV professionals.