Instructions for the management and justification of official aid:
-All invoices must have the reference of the project file.
-Check the call instructions if they are accepted:
-The costs of office equipment.
-Training expenses (courses, masters, doctorates, etc.).
-Repair costs.
-Payments in the form of salary remuneration to the main researcher and collaborating team.
-Indirect costs and what is their calculation formula.
-The conference attendance certificate must be attached in order for the associated expenses to be subsidized (registrations, meals, locomotion, maintenance and accommodation).
-The minutes of the meetings must be attached so that the associated expenses are subsidized (diet, locomotion, maintenance, accommodation). Only travel and subsistence expenses and those corresponding to the main researcher and the collaborating team listed in the project application report are considered eligible.
-The date of the invoice must be within the terms of the annuity to be justified.
-The services or goods must be consumed within the terms of the annuity to be justified.
-The concept of the services or goods purchased must be in line with what is specified in the request and/or resolution of the call.
-You must comply with the advertising rules of the funding body in accordance with the resolution of the call.
-Check if the call requires an audit of the expenses incurred and if its cost is subsidized.
-The execution of the expenditure must conform to Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, specifically to art.31. “Subsidized expenses”.
-You must contact the Economic Management Service for any questions.
-It is convenient to carry out periodic checks on the execution of the expenditure.
-Check before imputing the expense that there is enough balance in the budget item.
-Through the web application, you can monitor online the execution of expenditure by budget concept and annuity.