Genetics and Environment in Psychiatry (GEP)


The research group “Genetics and Environment in Psychiatry” (GEP) of the Hospital Universitari Institut Pere Mata and Institut Villablanca is a multidisciplinary group made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses and biologists, led by Dra. Elisabet Vilella. Many of its members are doctors and associate professors at Rovira i Virgili University.

  • Dra. Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada

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The GEP is part of the National Center for Biomedical Research in Networking in Mental Health, CIBERSAM, and the group is also recognized by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR444). It is also part of the Catalan network of Technological Innovation in Mental Health 2018XARDI_00010 (TECSAM).

The group investigates genetic and environmental factors and the mechanisms that are involved in the development of psychiatric disorders and intellectual disability. Researchers conduct basic research by analyzing both their own genetic and genomic data obtained from participants in the projects we develop and from repositories of research data. Clinical research is also conducted through the psychopathological, psychological, and neurocognitive assessment of patients with a psychiatric disorder with or without an intellectual disability. Among the different psychiatric diagnoses, the group currently focuses on psychosis and bipolar disorder as central psychiatric processes and on delirium, personality disorders, intellectual disability as diagnoses that often appear comorbid.

The ultimate goal is to help improve the diagnosis, treatment, and evolution of psychiatric disorders and improve the quality of life of people with them.

  • Identification of genetic and psychosocial factors in psychiatric disorders.
  • Study of risk factors in the early stages of psychotic disorders.
  • Assessment of cognitive function and personality in psychiatric pathology.
  • Evaluation of diagnostic criteria and health indicators in intellectual disability.
  • Evaluation of processes in therapeutic interventions in mental health.

Collaboration opportunities:

  • We are experts in the application of assessment tools in people with mental health problems, including intellectual disability and delirium.
  • We are experts in complex disease genetics.
  • We are experts in the validation of psychological tools for assessing cognitive and emotional functions.
  • We have collections with data and a well-preserved biological sample in the biobank with legal compliance to be shared from different psychiatric diagnoses.

  • Títol: Implicación del ADN mitocondrial en las psicosis tempranas: relación con el riesgo de enfermedad, estrés, rendimiento cognitivo, sintomatología clínica y síndrome metabólico
    IP: Lourdes Martorell
    IC: Gerard Muntané, Yolanda Alonso, Alba Valiente, Irene Moreno
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI18-00514
    Import concedit: 81.070.00 €
    Període d’execució: 2019-2021

  • Títol: Obtenció d’un algoritme de diagnòstic per al trastorn bipolar amb màquines d’aprenentatge utilitzant dades de neuroimatge estructural, variants genètiques i funció cognitiva
    IP: Elisabet Vilella
    IC: Alfonso Gutiérrez, Irene Moreno, Esteban Sepúlveda, Cinta Gas, Cristina Sáez
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI18-00945
    Import concedit: 82.885,00 €
    Període d’execució: 2019-2021

  • Títol: Influencia del estilo de apego en la cognición social y sesgos cognitivos en personas con primeros episodios psicóticos, esquizofrenia crónica y controles sanos
    I Coordinadora: Susana Ochoa
    IP: Alfonso Gutiérrez
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI18/00212
    Import concedit: 0€ a IPM
    Període d’execució: 2019-2021

  • Títol: Evaluación a distancia de la enfermedad y recaída en el trastorno Depresivo Mayor (RADAR-MDD)
    Coordinador/a: Josep M Haro, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
    IP: Raúl Llaosa I Noemí Adan
    IC: Rut Coll, Julia Camacho, Irene Higueras, Gerard Grau
    Entitat finançadora: H2020
    Referència: RADAR-MDD
    Import concedit: 300€/participant inclòs
    Període d’execució: 2019-2020

  • Títol: Clinical tool to measure cognitive speed
    I. beneficiària: Zulay Lugo
    I. supervisora: Elisabet Vilella
    Entitat finançadora: Generalitat de Catalunya – ACCIO – COFOUND EU MSCA
    Referència: TECNIOSPRING+2017
    Import concedit: 119.600€
    Període d’execució: 2018-2019

  • Títol: Predictores clínicos y biomarcadores de las tentativas de suicidio en pacientes del Código Riesgo Suicidio de Cataluña (CRS)
    I Coordinador: Diego Palao, Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí
    IP: Francesc X. Arrufat
    IC: Aurora Pascual, Susana Bernardo, Silvia Bravo, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Zotes
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI17-01205
    Import concedit: 0€ a IPM
    Període d’execució: 2018-2020

  • Títol: Cognició social i biaixos cognitius en persones amb primers episodis psicòtics en comparació amb esquizofrènia crònica i controls sans
    I. Coordinadora: Susana Ochoa, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
    IP: Alfonso Gutiérrez
    Entitat finançadora: Generalitat de Catalunya – PERIS
    Referència: SLT006/17/00231
    Import concedit total: 117.648,53€. IPM: 13.673,00€
    Període d’execució: 2018-2020

  • Títol: Caracterització dels pròdroms i detecció de factors predictors pronòstics en una mostra de pacients bipolars amb un primer episodi maníac
    IP: Vanessa Sànchez
    IC: Ángel Cabezas, Esteban Sepúlveda
    Entitat finançadora: Generalitat de Catalunya – PERIS
    Referència: SLT006/17/00357
    Import concedit: 2.700€
    Període d’execució: 2018-2020

  • Títol: Involvement of DDR1 gene variants in myelin integrity and cognitive speed processing in euthymic bipolar disorder patients
    IP: Elisabet Vilella
    IC: Cristina Sáez, Irene Moreno, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Zotes
    Entitat finançadora: Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation
    Referència: NARSAD 2017
    Import concedit: 99.576$
    Període d’execució: 2017-2019 + 2020

  • Títol: Implicación de variantes del gen DDR1 en la integridad de la mielina y en la velocidad de procesamiento cognitivo en pacientes con trastorno bipolar en fase eutímica
    IP: Elisabet Vilella
    IC: Cristina Sáez, Isaias Mena, Irene Moreno, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Zotes
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI15-0852
    Import concedit: 111.320 €
    Període d’execució: 2016-2018 + 2019 + 2020

  • Títol: Comparison of DNA methylation patterns on DDR1 gene in euthymic bipolar disorder patients according to exposure to childhood maltreatment
    I. Coordinador: Eduard Vieta (projecte multicèntric)
    IC: Elisabet Vilella, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Zotes
    Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Referència: PI15-08 Cibersam
    Referència: EPI-DBIP
    Import concedit: 28.000 €
    Període d’execució: 2016-2018 + 2019

  • Title: Ajuts per a xarxes d’R+D+I per dur a terme programes de valorització i transferència dels resultats de la recerca, susceptibles de ser cofinançats parcialment pel Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER) IU68-013943

    Funding entity: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca

    Duration: 2020-2022

    Principal Investigator: Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada

  • Title: Subvencions per a projectes de recerca a la salut mental en l’àmbit de la recerca i la innovació en salut PERIS – SLT006/17/00231

    Funding entity: Fundació Sant Joan de Déu

    Duration: 2018-2021

    Principal Investigator: Alfonso Gutierrez Zotes

  • Title: 2017 SGR 00444 Suport a Grups de Recerca (SGR) URV-IISPV Finançament- Grup de Recerca Consolidat

    Funding entity: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca

    Duration: 2017-2021

    Principal Investigator: Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada


    Alzheimer's disease progression characterized by alterations in the molecular profiles and biogenesis of brain extracellular vesicles

    Gallart-Palau X, Guo X, Serra A, Sze SK.
    Alzheimers Res Ther. 2020 May 8;12(1):54.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13195-020-00623-4.

    Interaction between the functional SNP rs2070951 in NR3C2 gene and high levels of plasma corticotropin-releasing hormone associates to postpartum depression

    Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Díaz-Peña R, Costas J, Martorell L, Gelabert E, Sans T, Navinés R, Albacar G, Ímaz ML, García-Esteve L, Sanjuan J, Martín-Santos R, Carracedo A, Vilella E.
    Arch Womens Ment Health. 2020 Jun;23(3):413-420.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00737-019-00989-x.

    The role of personality dimensions, depressive symptoms and other psychosocial variables in predicting postpartum suicidal ideation: a cohort study

    Gelabert E, Gutierrez-Zotes A, Navines R, Labad J, Puyané M, Donadon MF, Guillamat R, Mayoral F, Jover M, Canellas F, Gratacós M, Guitart M, Gornemann I, Roca M, Costas J, Ivorra JL, Subirà S, de Diego Y, Osorio FL, Garcia-Esteve L, Sanjuan J, Vilella E, Martin-Santos R.
    Arch Womens Ment Health. 2020 Aug;23(4):585-593.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00737-019-01007-w

    Personality Disorders in the ICD-11: Spanish Validation of the PiCD and the SASPD in a Mixed Community and Clinical Sample

    Gutiérrez F, Aluja A, Ruiz J, García LF, Gárriz M, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Gallardo-Pujol D, Navarro-Haro MV, Alabèrnia-Segura M, Mestre-Pintó JI, Torrens M, Peri JM, Sureda B, Soler J, Pascual JC, Vall G, Calvo N, Ferrer M, Oltmanns JR, Widiger TA.
    2020 Jun 25 [Epub ahead of print]. Assessment

    DOI: 10.1177/1073191120936357

    System-wide molecular dynamics of endothelial dysfunction in Gram-negative sepsis

    Gallart-Palau X, Serra A, Sze SK.
    BMC Biol. 2020 Nov 24;18(1):175.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12915-020-00914-0

    A phase 1, randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of epigallocatechin-3-gallate and cognitive training in adults with Fragile X syndrome

    de la Torre R, de Sola S, Farré M, Xicota L, Cuenca-Royo A, Rodriguez J, León A, Langohr K, Gomis-González M, Hernandez G, Esteba S, Del Hoyo L, Sánchez-Gutiérrez J, Cortés MJ, Ozaita A, Espadaler JM, Novell R, Martínez-Leal R, Milá M, Dierssen M
    Clin Nutr. 2020 Feb;39(2):378-387.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2019.02.028

    Association between anti-thyroid antibodies and negative symptoms in early psychosis

    Barbero JD, Palacín A, Serra P, Solé M, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I, Algora MJ, Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V, Labad J.
    Early Interv Psychiatry. 2020 Aug;14(4):470-475.

    DOI: 10.1111/eip.12873

    Perceived stress, social functioning and quality of life in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study

    Ortega L, Montalvo I, Monseny R, Burjales-Martí MD, Martorell L, Sanchez-Gistau V, Vilella E, Labad J.
    Early Interv Psychiatry. 2020 Nov 30.

    DOI: 10.1111/eip.13092

    Neuropsychological profile of children and adolescents with psychosis risk syndrome: the CAPRIS study

    Tor J, Dolz M, Sintes-Estevez A, de la Serna E, Puig O, Muñoz-Samons D, Pardo M, Rodríguez-Pascual M, Sugranyes G, Sánchez-Gistau V, Baeza I.
    Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 Sep;29(9):1311-1324.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00787-019-01459-6

    Clinical and cognitive correlates of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in first-episode psychosis: A controlled study

    Sanchez-Gistau V, Manzanares N, Cabezas A, Sole M, Algora M, Vilella E.
    Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2020 Jul;36:90-99.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.05.010

    The impact of sex and cannabis on clinical features in first-admitted patients with psychosis

    Arranz S, Mané A, Bergé D, Monserrat C, Cabezas A, Vilella E, Sanchez-Gistau V.
    Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2020 Jul;36:235-243.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.03.003

    Glycated Haemoglobin Is Associated With Poorer Cognitive Performance in Patients With Recent-Onset Psychosis

    Montalvo I, González-Rodríguez A, Cabezas Á, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Solé M, Algora MJ, Ortega L, Martorell L, Sánchez-Gistau V, Vilella E, Labad J.
    Front Psychiatry. 2020 May 25;11:455.

    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00455

    Delirium diagnostic tool-provisional (DDT-Pro) scores in delirium, subsyndromal delirium and no delirium

    Franco JG, Trzepacz PT, Sepúlveda E, Ocampo MV, Velásquez-Tirado JD, Zaraza DR, Restrepo C, Giraldo AM, Serna PA, Zuluaga A, López C
    Gen Hosp Psychiatry. Nov-Dec 2020;67:107-114.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2020.10.003

    Validation of the Delirium Diagnostic Tool-Provisional (DDT-Pro) With Medical Inpatients and Comparison With the Confusion Assessment Method Algorithm

    Franco JG, Ocampo MV, Velásquez-Tirado JD, Zaraza DR, Giraldo AM, Serna PA, López C, Zuluaga A, Sepúlveda E, Kean J, Trzepacz PT.
    J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. Summer 2020;32(3):213-226.

    DOI: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.18110255

    The Girona declaration on borderline intellectual functioning

    Martínez-Leal R, Folch A, Munir K, Novell R, Salvador-Carulla L; Borderline Intellectual Functioning Consensus Group.
    Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Mar;7(3):e8.

    DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30001-8.

    Increased blood lactate levels during exercise and mitochondrial DNA alterations converge on mitochondrial dysfunction in schizophrenia

    Valiente-Pallejà A, Torrell H, Alonso Y, Vilella E, Muntané G, Martorell L.
    Schizophr Res. 2020 Jun;220:61-68.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.03.070

    Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and exposure to stress factors and cannabis use in recent-onset psychosis

    Labad J, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I, Arranz S, Algora MJ, Solé M, Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V.
    World J Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Sep;21(7):564-571.

    DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2019.1628301

    High frequency of clinical conditions commonly associated with mitochondrial disorders in schizophrenia

    Alonso Y, Valiente-Pallejà A, Verge B, Vilella E, Martorell L.
    Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2020 Oct;32(5):265-269.

    DOI: 10.1017/neu.2020.16

    Emotional regulation for adolescents: a group-based treatment pilot study through the STEPPS programme

    Llorens Ruiz I, Lopez Seco F, Masana Marín A, San Martín Águila E, Martínez Pinar D, Martín Alonso S, Vilella E, Gutierrez-Zotes A.
    Behav Cogn Psychother. 2020 Nov;48(6):734-738.

    DOI: 10.1017/S1352465820000454

    Identification of germline pathogenic variants in DNA damage repair genes by a next-generation sequencing multigene panel in BRCAX patients

    Rodríguez-Balada M, Roig B, Melé M, Albacar C, Serrano S, Salvat M, Querol M, Borràs J, Martorell L, Gumà J.
    Clin Biochem. 2020 Feb;76:17-23.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2019.11.014

    Leukocyte and brain DDR1 hypermethylation is altered in psychosis and is correlated with stress and inflammatory markers

    Garcia-Ruiz B, Moreno L, Muntané G, Sánchez-Gistau V, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Martorell L, Labad J, Vilella E.
    Epigenomics. 2020 Feb;12(3):251-265.

    DOI: 10.2217/epi-2019-0191

    Multivariate Brain Functional Connectivity Through Regularized Estimators

    Salvador R, Verdolini N, Garcia-Ruiz B, Jiménez E, Sarró S, Vilella E, Vieta E, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Pomarol-Clotet E, Voineskos AN.
    Front Neurosci. 2020 Dec 8;14:569540.

    DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2020.569540

    The Role of Sleep Quality, Trait Anxiety and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Measures in Cognitive Abilities of Healthy Individuals

    Labad J, Salvat-Pujol N, Armario A, Cabezas Á, Arriba-Arnau A, Nadal R, Martorell L, Urretavizcaya M, Monreal JA, Crespo JM, Vilella E, Palao DJ, Menchón JM, Soria V.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 19;17(20):7600.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17207600

    Relationship between childhood trauma and social adaptation in a sample of young people attending an early intervention service for psychosis
    Ortega L, Montalvo I, Solé M, Creus M, Cabezas Á, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Sánchez-Gistau V, Vilella E, Labad J. Relationship between childhood trauma and social adaptation in a sample of young people attending an early intervention service for psychosis. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Engl Ed). 2020 Jul-Sep;13(3):131-139. English, Spanish. Epub 2020 Jun 29. PMID: 32616469.
    Association between anti-thyroid antibodies and negative symptoms in early psychosis

    Barbero JD, Palacín A, Serra P, Solé M, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I,Algora MJ, Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V, Labad J. Early IntervPsychiatry. 2019 Sep 16 [Epub ahead of print].

    DOI: 10.1111/eip.12873

    CIBERSAM: Ten years ofcollaborative translational research in mental disorders

    Salagre E, Arango C, Artigas F, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Bernardo M,Castro-Fornieles J, Bobes J, Desco M, Fañanás L, González-Pinto A, Haro JM, Leza JC, Mckenna PJ, Meana JJ, Menchón JM, Micó JA, Palomo T, Pazos Á, Pérez V,Saiz-Ruiz J, Sanjuán J, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Crespo-Facorro B, Casas M, VilellaE, Palao D, Olivares JM, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Vieta E. Jan – Mar;12(1):1-8. Rev Psiquiatr SaludMent.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rpsm.2018.10.001

    Discoidin domain receptor 1 genevariants are associated with decreased white matter fractional anisotropy anddecreased processing speed in schizophrenia

    Gas C, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Radua J, Abasolo N, Cortés MJ, Salvadó E,Muntané G, Alemán-Gómez Y, Julià T, Marsal S, Sanjuan J, Guitart M, Costas J,Martorell L, Pomarol-Clotet E, Vilella E. Mar;110:74-82. J Psychiatr Res.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.12.021

    Distinguishing characteristics of delirium in a skilled nursingfacility in Spain: Influence of baseline cognitive status

    Franco JG, Trzepacz PT, Gaviria AM, Sepúlveda E, Viñuelas E, Palma J, Grau I, Vilella E. Aug;34(8):1217-1225. Int J GeriatrPsychiatry.

    DOI: 10.1002/gps.5120

    Expression of DDR1 in the CNSand in myelinating oligodendrocytes

    Vilella E, Gas C, Garcia-Ruiz B, Rivera FJ. Nov;1866(11):118483. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2019.04.010

    Genetics and genetic counseling in psychiatry: Results from an opinion survey of professionals and users

    Martorell L, Sanfeliu A, Blázquez A, Lojo E, Cortés MJ, de Pablo J, Vilella E. Aug;7(8):e830. Mol Genet Genomic Med.

    DOI: 10.1002/mgg3.830

    Genome-wide associationanalyses of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over 1 million individualsidentify hundreds of loci and shared genetic influences

    Karlsson Linnér R, Biroli P, Kong E, Meddens SFW, Wedow R, Fontana MA,Lebreton M, Tino SP, Abdellaoui A, Hammerschlag AR, Nivard MG, Okbay A, Rietveld CA, Timshel PN, Trzaskowski M, Vlaming R, Zünd CL, Bao Y, Buzdugan L, Caplin AH, Chen CY, Eibich P, Fontanillas P, Gonzalez JR, Joshi PK, Karhunen V, Kleinman A, Levin RZ, Lill CM, Meddens GA, Muntané G, Sanchez-Roige S, Rooij FJV, Taskesen E,Wu Y, Zhang F; 23and Me Research Team; eQTLgen Consortium; International CannabisConsortium; Social Science Genetic Association Consortium, Auton A, Boardman JD, Clark DW, Conlin A, Dolan CC, Fischbacher U, Groenen PJF, Harris KM, Hasler G,Hofman A, Ikram MA, Jain S, Karlsson R, Kessler RC, Kooyman M, MacKillop J,Männikkö M, Morcillo-Suarez C, McQueen MB, Schmidt KM, Smart MC, Sutter M, ThurikAR, Uitterlinden AG, White J, Wit H, Yang J, Bertram L, Boomsma DI, Esko T, Fehr E, Hinds DA, Johannesson M, Kumari M, Laibson D, Magnusson PKE, Meyer MN, NavarroA, Palmer AA, Pers TH, Posthuma D, Schunk D, Stein MB, Svento R, Tiemeier H,Timmers PRHJ, Turley P, Ursano RJ, Wagner GG, Wilson JF, Gratten J, Lee JJ,Cesarini D, Benjamin DJ, Koellinger PD, Beauchamp JP. Feb;51(2):245-257. Nat Genet.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41588-018-0309-3

    Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisfunction and exposure to stress factors and cannabis use in recent-onsetpsychosis

    Labad J, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I, Arranz S, Algora MJ, Solé M,Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V. Jun 27:1-8. World J Biol Psychiatry.

    DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2019.1628301

    Increased levels of serum leptinin the early stages of psychosis

    Martorell L, Muntané G, Porta-López S, Moreno I, Ortega L, Montalvo I,Sanchez-Gistau V, Monseny R, Labad J, Vilella E. Apr;111:24-29. J Psychiatr Res.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.01.006

    Long lastingbehavioural effects on cuprizone fed mice after neurotoxicant withdrawal

    Tomas-Roig J, Torrente M, Cabré M, Vilella E, Colomina MT. May 2;363:38-44. BehavBrain Res.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.01.036

    Perceived stressmediates the relationship between social adaptation and quality of life inindividuals at ultra high risk of psychosis

    Ortega L, Montalvo I, Monseny R, Vilella E, Labad J. Dec;13(6):1447-1454. Early Interv Psychiatry.

    DOI: 10.1111/eip.12791

    Relationship between ANKK1 rs1800497 polymorphism, overweight andexecutive dysfunction in early psychosis

    Sanchez-Gistau V, Mariné R, Martorell L, Cabezas A, Algora MJ, Sole M, LabadJ, Vilella E. Jul;209:278-280. Schizophr Res.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.05.022

    Reply to: Retesting the influences of mutation accumulation andantagonistic pleiotropy on human senescence and disease

    Rodríguez JA, Farré X, Muntané G, Marigorta UM, Hughes DA, Spataro N, Bosch E, Navarro A. Jul;3(7):994-995. Nat Ecol Evol.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41559-019-0926-y

    Sex-specific association between the cortisol awakening response andobsessive-compulsive symptoms in healthy individuals

    Melia CS, Soria V, Salvat-Pujol N, Cabezas Á, Nadal R, Urretavizcaya M,Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Monreal JA, Crespo JM, Alonso P, Vilella E, Palao D, MenchónJM, Labad J. Dec2;10(1):55. Biol Sex Differ.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13293-019-0273-3

    The role of personality dimensions,depressive symptoms and other psychosocial variables in predicting postpartumsuicidal ideation: a cohort study

    Gelabert E, Gutierrez-Zotes A, Navines R, Labad J, Puyané M, Donadon MF,Guillamat R, Mayoral F, Jover M, Canellas F, Gratacós M, Guitart M, Gornemann I, Roca M, Costas J, Ivorra JL, Subirà S, de Diego Y, Osorio FL, Garcia-Esteve L,Sanjuan J, Vilella E, Martin-Santos R. Dec 4 [Epub ahead of print]. Arch Womens Ment Health.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00737-019-01007-w

    Validation of the Delirium Diagnostic Tool-Provisional (DDT-Pro) With Medical Inpatients and Comparison Withthe Confusion Assessment Method Algorithm

    Franco JG, Ocampo MV, Velásquez-Tirado JD, Zaraza DR, Giraldo AM, Serna PA, López C, Zuluaga A, Sepúlveda E, Kean J, Trzepacz PT. 2019 Oct 30:appineuropsych18110255. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.

    DOI: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.18110255

    A phase 1, randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of epigallocatechin-3-gallate and cognitive training in adults with Fragile X syndrome.

    de la Torre R, de Sola S, Farré M, Xicota L, Cuenca-Royo A, Rodriguez J, León A, Langohr K, Gomis-González M, Hernandez G, Esteba S, Del Hoyo L, Sánchez-Gutiérrez J, Cortés MJ, Ozaita A, Espadaler JM, Novell R, Martínez-Leal R, Milá M, Dierssen M; TESXF Study Group. 2019 Mar 25. pii: S0261-5614(19)30082-2. Clin Nutr.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2019.02.028

    Association of Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Adverse Childhood Experience with adult psychiatric morbidity. Findings from a British birth cohort.

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Team Members

  • Group leader

    • Dra. Elisabet Vilella Cuadrada
  • Pre-doctoral

    • Alba Valiente Pallejà
    • Laura Ortega Sanz
    • Irene Moreno Fernández
    • Carme Miralles Ibiza
    • Rafael Martínez Leal
    • Bengisu Kevser Bulduk
    • Amaya García Domínguez
    • Herrera Ramos, Isaac
    • Beatriz García Ruiz
    • Cinta Gas Prades
    • Maria José Algora Gayán
    • Aser Alba Coma
    • Selena Arana Castel
    • Ester Bermúdez Gómez
    • Ángel Cabezas Serisa
    • Maite Royo
    • Núria Borràs
    • Martí Llaurador
  • Postdoctoral

    • Vanessa Sánchez Gistau
    • Esteban Sepúlveda Ramos
    • Gerard Muntané Medina
    • Lourdes Martorell Bonet
    • Fernando López Seco
    • Annabel Folch Mas
    • Xavier Gallart Palau
    • Alfonso Gutiérrez Zotes
    • Yolanda Alonso Pérez
    • Maria José Cortés Ruiz
    • Anabel Folch
  • Collaborator

    • Cristina Sáez Navarro
    • Montse Solé Moix
    • Eva Esteban Giner
    • Ignasi Coll Vilar
    • Belén Alfonso
    • Clàudia Morelló
    • Alba Navarrete
    • Elvira Ortega
    • Onil Gutiérrez
    • Pol Ramon Cañellas
    • Jessica Romeo García