1. Promote research, transfer and dissemination of results to society
2. Promote collaborative work between inter and intra-area groups
3. Promote emerging groups.
1. Training, communication or dissemination actions organized by IISPV groups and expenses derived from attending conferences where an R2/R3 researcher or a clinical researcher with a doctorate presents collaborative work in oral format.
2. Grants for open access publications (Open Access). It is essential that the first and last signers are IISPV researchers and that the IISPV affiliation is stated.
3. Pilot projects or proofs of concept that may lead to larger projects and that are preferably developed between two or more groups within the area.
4. Networking events between research groups to promote collaborative projects, and encourage innovation and knowledge transfer.
For all actions, it is an essential requirement that they be organized and that at least two groups from the same area participate. In the case of groups from two or more different areas, the decision will be agreed upon by the coordinators of the areas involved.
There is a maximum amount of funding per type:
– Training, communication, or dissemination activities: 2,000 euros
– Attendance at conferences: 500 euros
– Aid for open access publication: 1,000 euros
– Pilot projects or proof of concept: 3,000 euros
– Networking events: 500 euros
*At the end of the year, depending on budget availability, exceptions may be made to the amounts indicated.
It will be made up of the coordinator of the corresponding area, two researchers from the area designated by the steering advisory committee (CAD) and the person responsible for the OT. In the event of a conflict of interest (COI)* the researcher will abstain from participating in the evaluation. The decisions made by the evaluation committee are final and will not admit a period of objections.
*The researcher will be considered to have a COI when the application belongs to his/her own research group or comes from a group with which he/she maintains a close collaboration, either through joint projects or more than three publications in the last three years.
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