Grupo de Estudio en Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas a la Insulin-Resistencia (GEMMAIR)


GEMMAIR tiene una larga trayectoria en el estudio de la fisiopatología de la obesidad y las enfermedades asociadas. Actualmente, el grupo centra principalmente la investigación en el estudio de la hepatopatía grasa no alcohólica y sus comorbilidades, como son la obesidad, la diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 y el síndrome metabólico, con el fin de definir nuevos mecanismos moleculares implicados en la enfermedad, y encontrar posibles biomarcadores y potenciales dianas terapéuticas.

  • Dra. Teresa Auguet Quintillà

  • Líneas de investigación
  • Publicaciones

El Grupo de Estudio en Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas a la Insulino-Resistencia (GEMMAIR) es un grupo de investigación clínica y básica formado por un equipo multidisciplinar. Éste se compone de personal investigador médico y experimental que pertenece al Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII y al Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus: médicos internistas, cirujanos, patólogos, biólogos moleculares y técnicos de laboratorio.

GEMMAIR tiene una trayectoria de más de 25 años de experiencia en el estudio de enfermedades hepáticas crónicas y de más de 15 años en el estudio de la obesidad y las enfermedades asociadas. Asimismo, GEMMAIR está acreditado como grupo consolidado por la Agencia de Gestión de Ayudas Universitarias y de Investigación (AGAUR) desde el año 2009 y es un grupo de investigación reconocido por la Universidad Rovira i Virgili (URV).

GEMMAIR ha realizado diverses col·laboracions en el ámbito nacional e internacional; además de tenir una gran vinculación con el ámbito académico, dado que la mayor parte de los miembros del grupo son profesores de la URV. También se han llevado a cabo un gran nombre de tesis doctorales y trabajos de fin de grado y de máster, por lo que GEMMAIR tiene experiencia en la formación del personal investigador novel.

  • Estudio de citoquinas y adipocitoquinas en la fisiopatología de la obesidad, el síndrome metabólico y la enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico (MFGNA).
  • Expresión génica, factores transcripcionales y epigenética en la MFGNA.
  • Estudio de los metabolitos derivados de la microbiota en la MFGNA.
  • Ciencias ómicas (metabolómica, miRNómica y proteómica) en el diagnóstico no invasivo de la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica.
  • Ciencias ómicas (metabolómica y proteómica) en el estudio de la placa arterial arteriosclerótica.
  • Biomarcadores pronósticos de la COVID-19 en pacientes con obesidad y/o síndrome metabólico.
  • Enfermedad tromboembólica venosa.

  • Microplastics: Dietary intake, impact on gut and promotion on liver damage (MP-DiGuLi). PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2022 PLAN ESTATAL. IP: Martí Nadal i Joaquim Rovira. IISPV. 2024-2027. 252.250,00€

  • WASTEwater as a source of knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 and other potentially pandemic VIRuses: a One Health approach (VIRWASTE). AGAUR. 01/05/2021-31/12/2023. 316.000€.

  • Biomarcadores de pronóstico circulantes y celulares para la progresión de COVID19 en pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV-2 utilizando ciencia multiómica. AGAUR. FRANCISCO VIDAL MARSAL. (FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA IISPV). 30/03/2020-31/12/2020. 201.070,79 €.

  • PI16/00498, Papel de la disbiosis intestinal en la patogenia de la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico a través de la regulación de la homeostasis lipídica hepática. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Maria Teresa Auguet Quintillà. URV. 01/01/2017-31/12/2019. 71.500€.

  • 2016PFR-URV-B2-72, Grup d’Estudi de Malalties Metabòliques associades a Insulin Resistència (GEMMAIR) Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Cristobal Manuel Richart Jurado. URV. 01/01/2017-30/06/2018. 6.572,17 €.

  • 2016PFR-URV-B2-72, Programa de suport als grups de recerca reconeguts. Grup d’Estudi de Malalties Metabòliques associades a Insulin Resistència (GEMMAIR) Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Cristobal Manuel Richart Jurado. URV. 01/01/2017- 31/12/2017. 6.572,17 €.

  • 2015PFR-URV-B2-72, Grup d’Estudi de Malalties Metabòliques associades a Insulin Resistència (GEMMAIR) Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Cristobal Manuel Richart Jurado.URV. 01/01/2015-31/12/2017. 6.839 €.

  • 2015PFR-URV-B2-72, Programa de suport als grups de recerca reconeguts. Grup d’Estudi de Malalties Metabòliques associades a Insulin Resistència (GEMMAIR) Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Cristobal Manuel Richart Jurado.URV. 01/01/2015- 31/12/2017. 6.839 €.

    Ensayos clínicos:

  • A Phase IIb/III Randomized, Double-blind,Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the
    Safety and Efficacy of Cotadutide in Participants with Non-cirrhotic Non-alcoholic
    Steatohepatitis with Fibrosis (D5671C00006). AstraZenecaAB. Desde 2022. IP: Dr. David
  • Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study to
    evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant human plasma gelsolin (RHUPGSN)
    added to standard of care for treatment of subjects with severe covid-19 pneumonia.
    Lipopharma Therapeutics SL
    Desde 2020. IP: Dra. T. Auguet
  • Safety and efficacy of favipipravir in COVID-19 patients with pneumonia. A randomized,
    double blind, placebo controlled study (FAVID01-20-SP).
    Ferrer Internacional, S.A.
    Desde 2020. IP: Dra. T. Auguet
    LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Study in Women with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Morbid Obesity

    Bertran, L.; Capellades, J.; Abelló, S.; Durán-Bertran, J.; Aguilar, C.; Martinez, S.; Sabench, F.; Correig, X.; Yanes, O.; Auguet, T.; Richart, C. LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Study in Women with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Morbid Obesity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 9789.

    LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis in Women with Morbid Obesity and Associated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Auguet, T.; Bertran, L.; Capellades, J.; Abelló, S.; Aguilar, C.; Sabench, F.; del Castillo, D.; Correig, X.; Yanes, O.; Richart, C. LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis in Women with Morbid Obesity and Associated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 7761.

    Increased Hepatic ATG7 mRNA and ATG7 Protein Expression in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Obesity

    Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Real, M.; Bertran, L.; Aguilar, C.; Martínez, S.; Parada, D.; Vives, M.; Sabench, F.; Riesco, D.; Castillo, D.D.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. Increased Hepatic ATG7 mRNA and ATG7 Protein Expression in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Obesity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1324.

    The Role of Olfactomedin 2 in the Adipose Tissue–Liver Axis and Its Implication in Obesity-Associated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Bertran, L.; Vilaró-Blay, M.; Aguilar, C.; Martínez, S.; Paris, M.; Sabench, F.; Riesco, D.; Binetti, J.; Castillo, D.D.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. The Role of Olfactomedin 2 in the Adipose Tissue–Liver Axis and Its Implication in Obesity-Associated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 5221.

    Expression of STING in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Bertran, L.; Adalid, L.; Vilaró-Blay, M.; Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Aguilar, C.; Martínez, S.; Sabench, F.; del Castillo, D.; Porras, J.A.; Alibalic, A.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. Expression of STING in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Metabolites 2023, 13, 496.

    Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19

    Matuozzo, D., Talouarn, E., Marchal, A., […] Auguet, T., et al. Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19. Genome Med 15, 22 (2023).

    Evolving mortality and clinical outcomes of hospitalized subjects during successive COVID-19 waves in Catalonia, Spain. Global epidemiology. 4.

    Roso-Llorach, Albert; Serra-Picamal, Xavier; Cos, Francesc X; et al; Paredes, Roger.

    Lipocalin, Resistin and Gut Microbiota-Derived Propionate Could Be Used to Predict Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Selected Outcomes. Processes. 10.

    Auguet, Teresa (AC); López-Dupla, Miguel; Ramos, Jessica; et al; Richart, Cristóbal.

    Fetuin-A, inter-α-trypsin inhibitor, glutamic acid and ChoE (18:0) are key biomarkers in a panel distinguishing mild from critical coronavirus disease 2019 outcomes. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 12-1, pp.e704-e704.

    Reverté, Laia; Yeregui, Elena; Olona, Montserrat; et al; Auguet, Teresa; Study Group, COVIDOMICS.

    Resistin and IL-15 as Predictors of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in COVID-19 Pneumonia Irrespective of the Presence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 12-3.

    Perpiñan, Carles; Bertran, Laia; Terra, Ximena; et al; Auguet, Teresa; behalf of COVID-19 Study Group.

    Venous Thrombosis within 30 Days after Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in a Multinational Venous Thromboembolism Registry Viruses. 14-2.

    Bikdeli, Behnood; Jiménez, David; Demelo-Rodriguez, Pablo; et al; the RIETE Investigators, for.

    Identification of the Potential Molecular Mechanisms Linking RUNX1 Activity with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, by Means of Systems Biology

    Bertran, L.; Eigbefoh-Addeh, A.; Portillo-Carrasquer, M.; Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Binetti, J.; Aguilar, C.; Ugarte Chicote, J.; Bartra, H.; Artigas, L.; Coma, M.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. Identification of the Potential Molecular Mechanisms Linking RUNX1 Activity with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, by Means of Systems Biology. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 1315.

    NASH Presence is Associated with a Lower Weight Loss One and 2 Years After Bariatric Surgery in Women with Severe Obesity

    Sabench, F., Bertran, L., Vives, M. et al. NASH Presence is Associated with a Lower Weight Loss One and 2 Years After Bariatric Surgery in Women with Severe Obesity. OBES SURG 32, 3313–3323 (2022).

    New Insights of OLFM2 and OLFM4 in Gut-Liver Axis and Their Potential Involvement in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Bertran, L.; Jorba-Martin, R.; Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Portillo-Carrasquer, M.; Aguilar, C.; Riesco, D.; Martínez, S.; Vives, M.; Sabench, F.; Castillo, D.D.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. New Insights of OLFM2 and OLFM4 in Gut-Liver Axis and Their Potential Involvement in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 7442.

    The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies

    Jérémy Manry,  Paul Bastard, Adrian Gervais, […] Teresa Auguet, et al. The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies 2022; 119 (21) e2200413119

    Are Ingested or Inhaled Microplastics Involved in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

    Auguet, T.; Bertran, L.; Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Fabregat, B.; Villar, B.; Aguilar, C.; Sabench, F. Are Ingested or Inhaled Microplastics Involved in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13495.

    Increased Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 mRNA Expression in the Adipose Tissue of Women with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Obesity

    Bertran, L.; Portillo-Carrasquer, M.; Barrientos-Riosalido, A.; Aguilar, C.; Riesco, D.; Martínez, S.; Culebradas, A.; Vives, M.; Sabench, F.; Castillo, D.D.; Richart, C.; Auguet, T. Increased Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 mRNA Expression in the Adipose Tissue of Women with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Obesity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 9871.

    Demographic, clinical, and functional determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2021. 21-1.

    Mostaza, Jose Maria; Suarez Carmen; et al; on behalf of the PERFILAR study investigators.

    X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19. SCIENCE IMMUNOLOGY. 2021. 6-62.

    Asano, Takaki; Boisson, Bertrand; et al; Casanova Jean-Laurent.

    Expression of Jejunal Taste Receptors in Women with Morbid Obesity. NUTRIENTS.

    Bertran L; Portillo-Carrasque M; Martinez S; et al; Auguet T.

    Circulating Levels of Pro-Neurotensin and Its Relationship with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Hepatic Lipid Metabolism Metabolites.

    Villar, B; Bertran L; Aguilar C; et al; Auguet T.

    Deregulation of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Obesity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

    Bertran L; Portillo-Carrasquer M; Aguilar C; et al; Auguet T.

    The Potential Protective Role of RUNX1 in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

    Bertran L; Pastor A; Portillo-Carrasquer M; et al; Auguet T.

    Predictive Biomarkers of COVID-19 Severity in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients with Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Personalized Medicine.

    Perpiñan C; Bertran L; Terra X; et al; Auguet T.

    Rivaroxaban or apixaban in fragile patients with acute venous thromboembolism Thrombosis Research. 193, pp.160-165.

    J Trujillo-Santos; P Beroiz; et al.

    Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders: Findings from the RIETE Registry Angiology. 71-2, pp.131- 138.

    PR Sada; JJ López-Nuñez; A Samperiz; et al.

    Deregulated Serotonin Pathway in Women with Morbid Obesity and NAFLD. LIFE.

    Binetti J; Bertran L; Riesco D; et al; Auguet T.

    Auto-antibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19. SCIENCE. 2020. pp.423.

    Bastard, Paul; Rosen, Lyndsay B; et al; Casanova Jean-Laurent.

    Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19. SCIENCE. 2020. pp.422.

    Zhang, Qian; Bastard, Paul; et al; Casanova Jean-Laurent. science.abd4570

    Implicaciones pronósticas del daño miocárdico en pacientes con y sin diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19 atendidos en un hospital universitario. Rev Esp Cardiol.

    Auguet, Teresa; Bertran, Laia; Binetti, Jessica; et al; Richart, Cristóbal.

    Implicaciones pronósticas del daño miocárdico en pacientes con y sin diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19 atendidos en un hospital universitario. Rev Esp Cardiol.

    Alfredo Bardaji; Anna Carrasquer; Raul Sánchez-Giménez; et al; 2020.

    Relationship between IL-8 Circulating Levels and TLR2 Hepatic Expression in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21-11.

    Auguet, Teresa; Bertran, Laia; Binetti, Jessica; et al; Richart, Cristóbal.

    Deregulated Serotonin Pathway in Women with Morbid Obesity and NAFLD. LIFE.

    Binetti J, Bertran L, Riesco D, Aguilar C, Martínez S, Sabench F, Porras JA, Camaron J, Castillo DD, Richart C, Auguet T. Deregulated Serotonin Pathway in Women with Morbid Obesity and NAFLD. Life (Basel). 2020 Oct 16;10(10):245.

    doi: 10.3390/life10100245

    Auto-antibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19. SCIENCE. 2020. pp.423.

    Bastard, Paul; Rosen, Lyndsay B; et al; Casanova Jean-Laurent.

    Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19. SCIENCE. 2020. pp.422.

    Zhang, Qian; Bastard, Paul; et al; Casanova Jean-Laurent. science.abd4570

    Hepatocyte Notch Signaling Deregulation Related to Lipid Metabolism in Women with Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver. Obesity. 28-8, pp.1487-1493.

    Auguet, Teresa; Bertran, Laia; Binetti, Jessica; et al; Richart, Cristóbal. 2020.

    Rate and duration of hospitalisation for acute pulmonary embolism in the real-world clinical practice of different countries: analysis from the RIETE registry. 903624 – European Respiratory Journal. 53-2.

    O Avnery; M Martin; A Bura-Riviere; et al. 2019.

    Circulating microbiota-derived metabolites: a “liquid biopsy?. International journal of obesity.

    Aragonès, G.; Colom Pellicer, M.; Aguilar, C.; et al; Auguet, T.

    Rate and duration of hospitalisation for acute pulmonary embolism in the real-world clinical practice of different countries: analysis from the RIETE registry. 903624 – European Respiratory Journal. 53-2.

    Mastroiacovo D; Dentali F; di Micco P; et al. RIETE Investigators. 2019.

    D-dimer levels and risk of recurrence following provoked venous thromboembolism: findings from the RIETE registry. J Intern Med.

    PR Sada; JJ López-Nuñez; A Samperiz; et al. 2019.

    Circulating microbiota-derived metabolites: a “liquid biopsy?. International journal of obesity.

    Alfredo Bardaji; Anna Carrasquer; Raul Sánchez-Giménez; et al; 2020.

    Rate and duration of hospitalisation for acute pulmonary embolism in the real-world clinical practice of different countries: analysis from the RIETE registry

    Mastroiacovo D; Dentali F; di Micco P; et al. RIETE Investigators. 2019.

    Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders: Findings from the RIETE Registry. Angyology. SAGE. pp.1- 8.
    Sada PR, López-Núñez JJ, Samperiz A, Soto MJ, Pedrajas JM, Porras JA, Peris ML, Olivé A, Debourdeau P, Pace F, Monreal M; RIETE Investigators. Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Autoimmune Disorders: Findings From the RIETE Registry. Angiology. 2020 Feb;71(2):131-138. Epub 2019 Oct 2. Erratum in: Angiology. 2020 May;71(5):482. PMID: 31578072.
    Gut Microbiota-Derived Mediators as Potential Markers in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Biomed Research International.

    Gemma Aragonès; Sergio González-García; Carmen Aguilar; Cristóbal Richart; Teresa Auguet. 2019.

    Low circulating levels of neurotensin in women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated to severe obesity. Obesity. 26-2, pp.274-278.

    Auguet T; Aragonès G; Berlanga A; et al; Richart C. 2018.

    Real-life Use of Anticoagulants in Venous Thromboembolism with a Focus on Patients with Exclusion Criteria for Direct Oral Anticoagulants Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 103-4, pp.684-691.

    Moustafa, Farès; Pesavento, Raffaele; di Micco, Pierpaolo; et al; RIETE Investigators, the. 2018.

    Anemia and bleeding in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy for venous thromboembolism

    Kuperman A; López-Reyes R; Bosco LJ; et al; RIETE Investigators. 2018.

    Characteristics, treatment patterns and outcomes of patients presenting with venous thromboembolic events after knee arthroscopy in the RIETE Registry.910696 Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 46-4, pp.551-558.

    Weinberg I; Giri J; Kolluri R; et al; RIETE Investigators. 2018.

    Thirty-day outcomes in patients with acute pulmonary embolism who discontinued anticoagulant therapy before 90 days 900566 – American Heart Journal. 206, pp.1-10.

    Nieto JA; Vicente JA; Prieto LM; et al; RIETE Investigators. 2018.

    Targeted metabolomic approach in men with carotid plaque. Plos One. 13.

    Auguet T; Aragonès G; Colom M; Aguilar C; Martín-Paredero V; Canela N; Ruyra X; Richart C.

    Development of a Risk Prediction Score for Occult Cancer in Patients With VTE. CHEST. 151-3, pp.564.

    ara-Palomares, L.; Otero, R.; Jimenez, D.; et al; Mazzolai,L. 2017.

Miembros Del equipo

  • Responsable de grupo

    • Dra. Teresa Auguet Quintillà
  • Investigadores clínicos

    • Marta París Sans
    • Margarida Vives Espelta
    • Fàtima Sabench Pereferrer
    • Dr. Daniel del Castillo Déjardin
    • José Antonio Porras Ledante
    • David Riesco Acevedo
    • Salomé Martínez González
    • Jessica Binetti
    • Ajla Alibalic
  • Investigador emérito

    • Cristóbal Manuel Richart Jurado
  • Investigadores posdoctorales

    • Javier Ugarte Chicote
    • Laia Bertran Ramos
    • Joanna Jurek
  • Investigadores predoctorales

    • Razie Mahmoodian
    • Laia Adalid Llansa
    • Joan Durán-Bertran
    • Carmen Arto
    • Helena Clavero
  • Bioinformáticas

    • Elena Cristina Rusu Hutu
  • Tècnics de laboratori

    • Carmen Aguilar Crespillo
    • Andrea Barrientos Riosalido