The company Biosfer Teslab, a spin-off company of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) operates in the field of in vitro diagnostics to provide analytical services to study and monitor alterations in lipid metabolism and its associated cardiovascular risk.
Biosfer appeared with the aim of reducing the time between the basic scientific results and their future application in patients and of becoming a reference company at European level in the analysis of biofluids using the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) high-performance technology.
As a result of this vocation, the “Liposcale” test was born, which revolutionizes the characterization of the lipoprotein profile (particles that transport lipids through the blood stream), allowing a direct and rapid determination of the size and number of particles of the main classes of Lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL and HDL), as well as the concentration of particles of nine different subclasses, without having to fractionate the plasma.
Since August 2014, Laboratorios Rubio, a family-owned pharmaceutical company specialized in therapeutic solutions for low’ prevalence diseases, has been part of Biosfer Teslab’s social capital, enabling the industrial development of the Liposcale® test with the aim of launching the test at a European level. In addition, Rubió Laboratories are the national and European marketers of the Liposcale® test.
Likewise, at Biosfer Teslab we are committed to constant technological innovation to always provide the best service to our customers. Our extensive experience in NMR has allowed us to expand our service portfolio and also offer the characterization of low molecular weight metabolites in intact serum, the glycoprotein test in intact serum, lipidomics in serum and characterization of aqueous metabolites for cell cultures, cell media and tissues (both animal and human).
01 d'September de 2021