Descripción del trabajo
The Ophthalmology Research Group – RETIPROGRAM belongs to the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV):
The selected candidate will perform the following tasks:
- Design and co-implementation of artificial intelligence methods for predictive analysis, matchmaking services and methods based on deep learning.
- Coordination of tasks of the RetinaReadRisk project, including contacts, meetings, explanations of the project, coordination with the rest of the project consortium, etc.
- Co-evaluation of the integrated system of the RetinaReadRisk project, including the evaluation, analysis and control devices.
- Co-disseminate the results of the RetinaReadRisk project to present the activities and results of the project to a wide audience of different interest groups.
- The researcher must hold a Doctorate degree (PhD) in Computer Engineering.
- Master in Computer Engineering and Security (MsC).
- Additional training related to the field of artificial intelligence, or similar, and computer vision in particular.
- Competence and experience with european Projects in the field of artificial intelligence, computer vision and medical imaging.
- Experience in research projects.
- Demonstrable experience in the artificial intelligence field, especially, or in computer vision.
- Teamworking, ability to work independently, to organize, kindness, dynamism, versatility, rigour, responsability and confidentiality
- Carry out research under supervision
- Have the ambition to develop knowledge of research methodologies and discipline
- Have demonstrated a good understanding of a field of study
- Have demonstrated the ability to produce data under supervision
- Be capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas
- Be able to explain the outcome of research (and value thereof) to research colleagues
- Has demonstrated a systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research associated with that field
- Has demonstrated the ability to conceive, design, implement and adapt a substantial programme of research with integrity
- Has made a contribution through original research that extends the frontier of knowledge by developing a substantial body of work, innovation or application. This could merit national or international refereed publication or patent
- Demonstrates critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas
- Can communicate with their peers – be able to explain the outcome of their research (and value thereof) to the research community
- Co-authors papers at workshop and conferences
- Has an established reputation based on research excellence in their field
- Makes a positive contribution to the development of knowledge, research and development through co-operations and collaborations
- Identifies research problems and opportunities within their area of expertise
- Identifies appropriate research methodologies and approaches
- Conducts research independently which advances a research agenda
- Can take the lead in executing collaborative research projects in cooperation with colleagues and project partners
- Publishes papers as lead author, organises workshop or conference sessions
- Knowledge on Medical Imaging.
- Motivation, creativity, initiative and proactive attitude.
- Ability to learn, flexibility and adaptability.
- Commitment to quality, to optimizing resources and to achieving results.
- Previous experience in similar projects.
- Ability to identify and solve problems.
- Previous experience in european projectes Horizon Europe, H2020 or similar.
- Develops integrated language, communication and environment skills, especially in an international context
- Understands the agenda of industry and other related employment sectors
- Understands the value of their research work in the context of products and services from industry and other related employment sectors
- Can communicate with the wider community, and with society generally, about their areas of expertise
- Can be expected to promote, within professional contexts, technological, social or cultural advancement in a knowledge-based society
- Can mentor First Stage Researchers, helping them to be more effective and successful in their R&D trajectory.
- Establishes collaborative relationships with relevant industry research or development groups
- Communicates their research effectively to the research community and wider society
- Is innovative in their approach to research
- Can form research consortia and secure research funding / budgets / resources from research councils or industry
- Is committed to professional development of his/her own career and acts as mentor for others.
- Speaking and writen english skills
- Selection of CV’s. Suitable and unsuitable CV’s will be identified according to the requirements. Applicants who do not meet the requirements indicated in the candidate profile and requirements will not pass to the next phase.
- Evaluation of the CV. Evaluation of the CVs up to a maximum score of 25 points.
- Cover Letter. Attach to the resume a cover letter with a maximum length of 2500 characters with spaces. With a maximum score of 25 points.
To access the interview phase it is necessary to have obtained a minimum score of 35 points in the sum of scores of the evaluation of the curriculum and cover letter
- Personal interview. With a maximum score of 50 points.
Items |
50 |
Attitude |
10 |
Fit in the work place |
15 |
Experience, developed functions/skills |
15 |
Teamwork |
10 |
- President: Domenec Puig. (Group Leader)
- Chair 1: Pere Romero. (Principal Investigator)
- Chair 2: Marc Baget. (Clinical Researcher)
- Chair 3: Pere Millán (Department of Computer Engineering, URV)
- President: Aida Valls (Department of Computer Engineering, URV)
- Chair 1: Blas Herrera (Department of Computer Engineering, URV)
- Chair 2: Ángel Bautista. (Collaborator Researcher)
- Chair 3: Esther Santos. (Collaborator Researcher)
For any questions or queries: recruitment@iispv.cat
The IISPV will inform the candidates if they have been admitted or excluded to access the interview.
Condiciones laborales
- Full-time position (40h/week)
- Workplace: Department d’Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques (URV), Tarragona
- Contract: temporary
- Gross annual salary: 43.000 €
- Starting date: September 2022